So on a very sparce but impactual few occasions recently, I've experienced that "looming" feeling... It doesn't happen often - most normally, I am relatively positive and optimistic, resting assured that no matter what life has thrown at me thus far I have always landed on my feet and thus have the confidence I always will... And today, a dear friend pointed out to me, that "if everything were to fuck up (so to speak) the worst I would experience would be a pain in the stomach"... and then even more simplified again: "You'd get a sore tummy". My world wouldn't come crashing down. I wouldn't die. The Earth wouldn't implode - I'd get a short-lived, sore tummy, and then it'd be all gone...
How REASSURING is THAT? And the best part of this now - NOW - is that I realise: I can make myself open to ANYTHING... I can allow a whooooooole heap of new and wonderful experiences into my life, and be assured that, at the very worst, if things go wrong, I'll end up with a little tummy pain. Life will still carry on. So rather than not experience all these amazing and wonderful things, and miss out of them out of fear that it'll all be over, or go wrong, or turn bad, or not be as I thought... I can simply enjoy them gambling ONLY a stomach ache on them...
What a fantastic new perspective to acquire on the day I turn 28... The worst that can happen is a sore tummy...
So bring on EVERYTHING that this year may! The good, the maybe bad, the slightly scary, the amazing, the wonderful, the beautiful and the different. Because after all, there's nothing a couple of Buscopan tablets wouldn't fix! :D
And on that note - I'm off to take my 28 year old tummy off to fill it with good birthday food and cake and marshmallows and frappes! :)
'Til next time - Peace Out xxx
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