Thursday, 20 October 2011

Our Blank Canvas (or how "We may not always end up where we thought we were going, but we will always end up where we were meant to be...")

My own mother has always, throughout the years, reminded me of a saying she used to tell me as a child:

"You have your brush, you have your colours; you paint paradise, then you go in" (Nikos Kazantzakis)

Tomorrow we receive a "blank canvas" in the shape of a lovely new home... In it, we'll start a new chapter of our lives for me & my little family. What is currently an empty house, we will turn into a home - full of light, and warmth, grace and love...

Moving house was never of paramount importance before I had my babies. It was a roof over your head - somewhere to sleep at night after work. I've never been big on decorating, furnishing, etc. but when you have children, your attitude towards your home shifts - and you feel a desire to make it fun and happy for them.

That's my favourite part of moving. Decorating the kids' rooms and making it special for them. And, for the first time ever, I've started collecting "nice" or "grown-up" furniture pieces for myself - a few custom-made restoration pieces and lovely, solid good quality furniture. Bit by bit I'm phasing out all the flotsam and jetsam I inherited from various family members and friends upon returning from living overseas, and replacing them with "quality" items. I'm caring more about nice ornaments and things to accent the home with, but less about clutter...

It's also a place I have big plans for in terms of myself as a person. It's a new town, so I'll be challenged to meet new people and make new friends - which of course means putting yourself out there and being open to new friendships, and seeking social interaction. I've been diligent in finding out about the local playgroups and kindergyms for the kids, but also things that are of interest to me too - like where to source great fabrics for sewing, and when art groups meet, where the local library is, etc.

Furthermore the new house is quite interesting in terms of numerology (yes - "hippy shit" moment alert!) We are moving into a "13" house... which at a basic numerological level, is reduced to a "4" (1+3). "4 houses" are renowned for their consistency / steadfast traits. "People who live in a 4 house will find it easier to be steady, loyal, well respected, and grounded. This is a great home for planting your roots---and seeding your dreams." Which, if you've been following my blog, is exactly what I've felt like I've been seeking for years and years on end. So that's great. Hurray for that...

However on the other side of this house being a "13 house" is the fact that "13 houses" are considered to be "karmic debt number" houses... houses in which you must repay previous karmic debts which have been accruing in the previous houses you've lived in. In some circumstances, it's considered best to avoid a "karmic debt" household - however, if you feel like you're looking to overcome or conquer certain habits, a karmic debt number house can be a good tool for doing so!

"13 houses" are supposed to whip into shape those of us who don't apply ourselves effectively... For all the faffing about we've done over the past years (sound like anyone you know??) Explained further:

"The key to succeeding wit the 13 is focus. Very often, people with the 13 Karmic Debt do not concentrate or direct their energies in one specific direction, or on a single task, but scatter their energies over many projects and jobs, none of which amount to very much. A temptation wit the 13 is to take shortcuts for quick success. Too often, that easy success doesn't come, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image, and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to very much.

In order to focus, you must maintain order in your life. Order is essential to success. You must maintain a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward."

So I'm embracing this aspect of the new house. It's all about being organised, being focussed, being diligent to my work, keeping ontop of the housework, the kids, etc. Keeping up with my studies, finding time for my work commitments, and ensuring I get a good dose of "me time" outwith all that - to sew, to crochet, to play my guitar, paint artwork, read Frankie mags, and do all the things I love :)

So in honoring our new home - our new canvas - our new space: I intend on quite literally, taking my brush, and my colours, and painting a canvas especially to capture the essence of us as a family entering this new chapter of our lives, invoked by those special words my mother told me all those years ago, encapsulating this new attitude and outlook we will harness and enjoy together... It will hang on the wall, in our new home, as a colourful reminder of what this new chapter means to us. To symbolise our togetherness, and remind us that this is the path we are meant to be on - and what we choose to do with it, is up to us.

I said to a friend only very recently, when reflecting upon the twists and turns that have led us up to this very point - all the unexpected surprises that have cropped up over the last few years, and the relatively disturbing upheavals and drama, that despite all the chaos - that chaos was important. As the chaos got us to this point. Here. Right now. And tomorrow - tomorrow where we turn a page.

If there's one thing I've learn in the past few years it's this:

"We may not always end up where we thought we were going, but we will always end up where we were meant to be..."

and so, as it happens, tomorrow we are meant to be stepping foot into our new lives. How lovely to be given the chance to embrace that...

'til next time - peace, love and mung-beans x

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