Saturday, 4 August 2012

The scales are finally settling :)

Happy Days, Not So Suzy-Enthusiasts!!!

For the first time in a while I'm writing a post that isn't ranty or negative... :)

SO a LOT has been going on in the Suzy-household... I've started a new part-time job, 3 days a week... In a field that I LOVE, doing work I thoroughly enjoy, with a fantastic small team of people... The kids are enjoying their daycare immensely... The financial benefits go without saying... and I've finally allowed myself something I hadn't been doing since the arrival of my babies... Giving myself PERMISSION (remember the immense issues I had with permission a fair while back?? And that was all over having "a" beer...??) to do more for ME.... On a fitness level (I'm back into hockey again, and loving it) and on a social level (I'm playing poker regularly... and meeting some fantastic people, having great nights along the way...) Not to mention I've also allowed myself permission to seek afterhours care outwith family members, in order to allow myself to have this "me" time...  Even better is the fact that my social interaction is becoming increasingly more about actual "in person" socialising, rather than relying on platforms like F***book to fulfil my social-driven needs... I feel like I have "A LIFE" again!

All in all, I think Mr.Maslow would be rather proud of me right now... I have attained the long-coveted "balancing act" I thought for so long would be IMPOSSIBLE being a mother to two young babies... I feel like the entirety of my heirachy of "needs" is being met... and thus I'm feeling immensely fulfilled and happy with the way things are running...

Of course I don't want to get ahead of myself... Needs and their being met are very fluid concepts... one small change and "Bam!" you can drop a few tiers on the needs pyramid... But I just like that for probably for the first time since having the babies, I'm in "this" place, a place I thought would be near impossible to get to... Such a contrast to not too long ago, where everything felt too unbalanced and there was too much stress, and drama... And that in itself is DEFINITELY worth CELEBRATING!!! :)

I think as well it makes me feel proud of myself. That I got here basically on my own, making my own choices, using my own self-determination, choosing only to be in situations which match my integrity and values. It shown me that attaining the balance actually CAN be done...

Now if only I could kick it up a notch on the "keeping on top of housework" debarcle (I've actually been REALLY good over the past couple of months, though still occasionally have days where it slides...!) I think I could become an "Oh so Suzy" instead of a "Not so Suzy" :) (I did buy a new mop today... if that counts!!)

Until next time - Heiwa-gai!!!!!!! :)  x

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