Sometimes people think I must be adept at moving...
Having moved over 30 times in 11 years, you'd think so, hey? That I'm masterly at packing boxes, a dab handy with a roll of packing tape, expert at the relocation vocation...
Nope. I'm shit at it. And furthermore, I hate it... I hate moving. With a raging passion. Were I insanely rich, help would be hired and I'd simply show up and live in the new house.
One thing I am expert at? Being highly productive and intensely involved... in doing OTHER things that aren't packing-related! Like conjuring up amazing playlists on Youtube... or baking scrumptious cakes... or immersing myself in keeping up-to-date with current events and the breaking news (for those of you who don't know, I never read the news!!!)
The thing I think that makes me loathe packing/moving so much is the fact I am a great sentimentalist when it comes to possessions. I still have ticket stubs from Chelsea matches I attended in the UK 4 years ago... I have every piece of paper that Tyler has ever laid a pencil or texta on.... I have quirky little "memory hooks" of items everywhere that remind me of my gorgeous, free-spirited past. But when you add all of this nostalgia together - it makes for a whoooooole heap of crap, that serves no real "purpose" and in turn becomes a plethora of clutter. I bought a book called "The Clutter Diet" once - by which you follow steps to remove the clutter for your life. It's probably a very effective book... if only I were able to find it!!!
So with Mongolian Warrior-like strength today, I am culling the SHIT outta the place. I even hired a mini-skip... So far this morning, I've welled up twice whilst shredding and tossing away items of my past. It's kinda painful! There's a residual energy around everything I'm culling, like a little portacullis that can transport me back to a particular emotive state and set me off into a whimsy of what lovely things there once were in my life...
But the productivity of letting myself get whisked away with the ghosts of my past is little to nil. Nobody ever got ahead by sitting on their behind... To of course, again, quote my "dear friend" Eckhart Tolle: "“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” So whilst I feel saddened or overwhelmed or lost in these "treasures" right now, I know I'm making way for a clean tomorrow... The "slate" I have presently is battered and covered in tatters of paper-fine memories like an old, well-loved suitcase. But sometimes it's good to throw out the old baggage, and go invest in a pristine, new set of luggage - after all, everything new you'll put in the new casing is less likely to fall out and get strewn along behind you if it's held safely in a nice, new place... How exciting to think that by shedding the "old", I am creating a beautiful new space for the "new" to arrive :)
As always - peace out :)
PS. Whilst this blog is good for my soul, you may also chastise me for the fact that it, itself, is also a form of procrastination from getting the packing done :P
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