Friday, 13 July 2012

For Sale: One Parrot

In general... I love most people. But I hate gossip. People gossip... that just comes part of people being "people"... Luckily MOST of the people I call "friends" actually don't gossip... maybe that is why they're my friends...

People who do love gossip on the otherhand? Strangers... Or friends of friends. People who have never even met you... They feed on heresay... Drooling over the anticipation of the "juice" they're about to hear, despite that they don't even know the person it is about. They create a character that is "you" in their minds... and, furthermore, because they don't know you - and because you're not there to correct the person verbalising the gossip - they believe everything their acquaintance has to say about you.

One of my favourite adages from dear Buddha is this:

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

Recent events have led to me being the topic of other people's gossip... And as aforementioned, I'm not able to defend myself to the people who's ears are receiving such... The thing that makes me feel "okay" with the fact I'm being gossiped about? My own sense and knowing of my integrity... That I know I'm a person who places integrity above ALL else... And not only that, but that I am at peace with my own actions. I know that, despite everything I've been through this year thus far, my actions have always been congruent with my own values and beliefs. Sure, at times, I may have acted in a way others would not. At times, I may have been "at fault"... 

But I'm conscious of this. I take responsibility for my own actions and mine alone... I don't pass the buck. Cast blame on anyone else. Deny what's true or lie to cover anything up... Because, given that I expect integrity from everyone else I interact with - I must ensure I myself am living up to that standard of integrity myself. I could sell my parrot to the town gossip, and live in no fear or shame of anything I've done over the last 6 months...

In my opinion - being eager to hear other people's gossip is just as bad as being a gossip itself...  And the thing people seldom choose to remember at the time they're receiving new "news" - given that they're wrapped up in the excitement and the drama - is that more often than not the things people have to say, especially when being said in malice, are as fake as the people saying it...

I made a pact to myself the day I discovered the true meaning of integrity that I'd never let a lie fall from my lips... I've kept my word to myself, and therefore I sleep soundly at night. Knowing I possess such a virtue... And I have no intention of changing my ways anytime soon. To do so would be not being true to myself, the person I want to be, the values I choose to hold, the beliefs I possess and the self-worth I've managed to resuscitate... And I will be rejecting anyone who does not reciprocate. There will always be people gooing themselves over rumors... They just won't be my friends, acquaintances, lovers, etc.. and thus, if the people who talk about me aren't any of those -  I won't know and won't care :)

And you know what they say anyway.... Haters gonna hate... Potatoes gonna Tate... :P

Peace over-and-out :) x

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