Thursday, 12 July 2012

I'm Bringin' Suzy Back! :))))

I'm regretful to confess. I did that thing that some Bloggers do sometimes...

I got all busy wrapped up in "another person" and life being busy and manic, sometimes enjoying myself, most of the time - not so much - that, the Blog that I loved and cared and nurtured OH so much was cast by the wayside... To steal a quote from Fight Club:

"Loved it intensely... then tossed it... like a Christmas tree. So special. Then, bam! It's on the side of the road... "

I dislike, immensely, the fact that I cast my blog by the wayside. Moreso even than the circumstances that led to my shoving it aside. It was like I put a part of myself to one side. Which pains me. I'm an "integrity person". Being the blogger that I was is a part of me. A part of my having integrity. I feel like I cheated myself by not keeping it going... Particularly given that, in retrospect, I not only had a LOT to be blogging about, but that it might have taken some attention away from all the chaos and turmoil that was clogging up my life and mind...

SO! Forgive me... I'm BRINGING SUZY BACK!!!!

I won't make my first returning post a long one. I won't go into detail of what WAS consuming me for all that time. I'll just leave you with my word, that, my motivation to write and share has returned... and most likely, stronger than it even was before. After all, no matter WHAT I go through, I always get through, and I always... ALWAYS... come through the other side stronger...

Until next time... peace in, out, in out, shake it all about.... :) x


  1. Ah! I just got a taste! I want more!!!! More I tell you!!

    1. Jeebus, Red!!! That was FAST :P

      Ahhhh patience, grasshopper... My mind MIGHT just happen to be pathing one out for later on tonight ;) xx

      Glad to see I'm still reaching you though! :D Woooot!
