Sunday 17 July 2011

Today is working against me, not with me...

This is a blatant rant. Rather than phone and annoy my mum / my best friend, I'm just going to have a quick whinge on here today. Please don't consider this to be a prolonged trend for the rest of my blog - I assure you it shan't. However some days, we have days like this:

First of all - it's been bucketing down today. It wasn't, of course, when I put the first two loads of washing on this morning... It was, however, the second I went to go outside to hang them out... So the dryer is going, turning my back-porch/laundry into a sweaty little cave smelling of cotton and fabric softener. And I can barely find a spare square foot on my lounge-room floor for all the woollens that are laying out to dry...! Christ I hate laundry. Makes me want to give all our clothes away and creatively fashion the kids into loin cloths or flap-flaps every day... kicking it Old School Style... (Old Testament Style, even??)

The oven shit itself today. Not only did it shit itself, it shit itself after I'd spent the morning kneading bread dough, and preparing an egg and bacon quiche. The bottom element of the oven has completely gone kaput... It's Sunday - my real estate agent is less than obliging to fix things from 10 months ago, let alone things that have happened, right now, on a Sunday. I managed to get the quiche cooked however instead of taking 30 minutes, it took 2 hours...

Maya has strayed from all her normal routine goodness today, which has further added to my frustrations. A child that normally naps 3-4 times a day, for generally a solid hour at a time, has only napped once today for two 30 minute intervals. She's tetchy, overtired, and perfectly fractious...

I wonder if the latter of the three things is actually dependent upon the first two things happening, and thus by frustrating and irritating me it's in turn making her a "moody moo", too.. Any parent will agree that if you're high strung, the kids tend to go nuts... If you're rushing about in a mad frantic hurry, your kids will take twice as long. If you're tired and just dying to go to bed yourself, they'll stretch out their own bedtime as loooooong as they can.

A non-parenting friend of mine once said (in reaction to my complaining about my child's temperament for that day) "children are their parents' emotional barometers"... Another statement of similar sentiment I read recently was "a mother is only as happy as her saddest child"...

So this afternoon - the laundry can go to heck. Tea's made and whilst it might be the same as lunch, it's done and it's easy... I'm going to spend the last 2 hours before Maya goes to bed giving her some good one-to-one love and happiness in the hope that we will both wind down, chill out, and both stop being so "prickly"... Some days, when we're having these days, I think you just have to resign that everything ISN'T going to go your way... and thus surrender to being lazy, snuggly, and loving of the kids instead...


  1. What a lovely way to end a crap day - sounds like your kids are really lucky to have a Mum with her priorities right. We get so caught up in our own world of "oh this isn't done, that isn't done" and we forget that if we just lay on the floor and giggle with our kids the world won't end it'll just be so much more fun to be in. Nicole x

  2. Well said Nicole... too true. Sometimes it IS better to just roll around with love on the floor with the kids (even if you do have to shove a laundry pile or mountain of toys out the way first!) :)
